Real Fitness Equipment™ Blog

5 Ways To Improve Cardiovascular Endurance

Improving cardiovascular endurance is typically at the top of every athlete or fitness enthusiast’s to-do list. Better endurance means better workouts. Better workouts mean better health. Better health means a better life. It all comes full circle, and that’s why we want to help you improve your cardiovascular endurance so that you can get in the best shape of your life! Whether you are an athlete who wants to improve endurance so that you can perform longer and better, or you’re simply a health nut who loves the euphoria of a long, high intensity cardio workout, we’re here to help. With The Real Runner. you can experience high intensity cardio like never before — but more on that later. First, let’s...

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Why Low-Impact Exercise?

Everyone deserves to be in good shape, or at least have a fair chance at getting in shape. While sports and fitness may not be cut out for everyone, the reality is that countless Americans and people around the world have the internal drive to get moving and strengthen their bodies. However, bodily pains like shin splints, runner’s knee or lower back pain when running have the ability to bring a high-intensity workout to a screeching halt. If you’ve been running with shin splints or looking for the most efficient HIIT cardio workout on the market, the team here at The Real Runner™ has some good news to share with you! Getting More Out Of Your High-Intensity Exercises Our revolutionary,...

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Why HIIT Training?

If you’re going to put in the painstaking effort that it takes to master your sport and become the athlete you’ve always wanted to be, then you’ll also want your efforts to be worth it. What good is hitting the gym for hours at a time, expending great amounts of energy, only to see minimal returns in the way of aerobic capacity and strength gains? Here at The Real Runner™, our HIIT cardio experts have seen and used our fair share of exercise equipment - in fact, our understanding of fitness products on the market actually contributed to the development of our signature running machine. From stair steppers to ellipticals and a massive variety of treadmills, we’ve been able to...

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Sports Training

Whether you’re a collegiate athlete, high school athlete or a professional athlete, The Real Runner™ is your best friend. Playing sports is a good thing - it’s a celebration of the human body and its physical capabilities, and it is our hope that people never stop playing sports. However, the jarring impact of playing in many different team-based sports over the years can result in unfortunate consequences for the human body. While it is true that our bodies can withstand a great deal of abuse and high-impact movements, doing so frequently at a young age tends to wreak havoc on muscles and joints years down the road. The Most Efficient Cardio Workout For Any Type Of Athlete Fortunately, with the...

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Taking A Look At Some Of Our Testimonials

As the team here at The Real Runner continues to travel around and showcase our incredible low-impact cardio machine, more and more people are discovering the benefits. From college sports teams to fitness gyms and more, the reality is that The Real Runner is perfect for just about everyone - especially dedicated athletes and those who can’t afford to be subjected to the high impact of running and other exercises. We’re happy knowing that people who want a rigorous cardiovascular exercise and all of the benefits of running can now do so without worrying about the toll it takes on their body. Learn More About The Real Runner Today! Through a unique and functional method, The Real Runner is specifically...

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